llindhlm fashion my way.

The crocodile river ...

Kategori: Allmänt.

Har nyss haft en pratövning på engelskan. Det handlade om en tjej och en kille som var kära men som bodde på varsin sida av en krokodil flod! Haha. Det fanns en bro som försvunnit i någon storm och sådär.
Det slutade med att tjejen hade sex med en gammal gubbe så hon fick låna båten över till sin kille på andra sidan floden, som blev jättearg när hon fick veta och hitan och ditan.
Haha ganska störd uppgift, men rolig att prata om! :)

Här kommer hela berättelsen så får ni avgöra vem som uppförde sig bäst, det fick jag göra! :)

Speaking Exercise: Crocodile River


Anna is a young woman, who is deeply in love with Donald. The only problem is that they live on either sides of a crocodile­ infested river. The good thing is that there's a bridge ... the bad thing is that they've been having very heavy storms, and the bridge was washed away last week!

Anna is desperate - she must see Donald, now that the latest storm has died down. They haven't been able to speak for days, and some people on her side of the river have even drowned. So, she goes to her neighbour, Brian, to ask him for help.

Brian doesn't want to get involved in other people's problems, and shuts the door in her face, despite the fact that he can see that she's very agitated.

In despair, Anna knocks on the door of the her other neighbour, Charles. He's a dirty old man (at least 20 years older than Anna). Charles has a boat, and he says, "I'll take you over the river ... but first you have to go to bed with me!"

Anna doesn't know what to do! She must see Donald ... and the only way to get across the river is by doing what the dirty old man wants! So she goes to bed with Charles, gritting her teeth in disgust and despair, and Charles then takes her across the river.

The rain has started again now, and it's very late. Exhausted, she knocks on Donald's door, and he lets her in.

At first, he's delighted to see her, but he can see that she's very, very upset. She blurts out her story ... and Donald goes cold. He calls her a dirty slut, and throws her out of the house into the pouring rain.

Now Anna is almost hysterical. She's gone through all this to see Donald ... and he's completely rejected her. She hammers on the door of the next house, where Edward lives. Edward lets her in, lets Anna dry herself and change into one of his old T-shirts and his dressing gown, and then gives her a nice hot cup of sweet tea to calm her down. She tells Edward the whole sorry tale ... and Edward gets really angry at Donald's insensitive and uncaring treatment of her. He storms round to Donald's house, and punches him in the face!


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